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Wandering through the weed-filled fields of Wokeness

One branch of economics, called Public Choice Theory (PCT),  is often used to identify how bad policy comes into being.

PCT identifies how those who receive the concentrated benefits, work harder to ensure that bad policy is rammed through.

Furthermore, PCT identifies how they cleverly construct such policy, so the costs are spread widely over the community (often called the “suckers”), so we just put up with it, rather than march in the streets.

Could this one-sided barrage of pressure from the “Yes” side of the Voice debate be just another example of the concentrated benefits versus the dispersed costs?

We, the people, are paying the costs for this one-sided brainwashing, now being taken to the classrooms.

As a long-term admirer of our Australian Constitution, widely admired throughout the free world, I hear alarm bells anytime attempts are made to tamper with it.

On this Voice debate only one thing is certain.

If we read or listen to everything being rammed down our throats, and minds, from the “Yes” side, we will not get any work done.

What a massive hit to Australia’s productivity!

The “Yes” side is certainly winning the “quantity contest”, but from observing the stature and respectability of the “No” proponents, I sense they are winning the “quality contest”.

Think deeply, study both sides, choose your position, then get back to work; Australia needs you!


Quotes and Links

I follow this comment with a few quotes and links to help give some balance, as you find yourself caught up in the daily media’s weed-filled fields of Wokeness!

  • Indoctrination claim as schools take VOICE to classrooms – The Australian, Feb 7, 2023
    “Victorian Education Minister Natalie Hutchins said Victoria, along with every other state and territory, was supportive of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and of a voice referendum, ‘on the yes side, of course, and this is something that schools will no doubt have many conversations about’.”
  • Steve Tripp – What I learnt from an Aboriginal ElderThe Spectator, Dec 12 2022
    “It must be frustrating for an Elder like Kerry. How many times have true Aboriginal Elders been asked to comment or contribute to the debate on The Voice? According to Kerry, it is yet to happen for anyone in her community.”
  • Peter Conran – VOICE! Warning on unworkable VoiceThe Australian, Jan 29 2023
    “In my view there will almost certainly be a hiatus before the legislated establishment of the voice, potentially extending for a number of years. The post-referendum ­hiatus is a direct consequence of leaving open questions about the construction and ambit of the voice to parliament before the referendum.”
  • Greg Sheridan –The Remit of the Voice keeps growing like TopsyThe Australian, Feb 7 2023
    “The proposal for a constitutionally guaranteed advisory assembly to be chosen on grounds of ethnicity is so radical a departure from Australian constitutional practice, so bad an idea, such a bold repudiation of the liberal principle of equal citizenship for all, that if it were subject to searching debate and scrutiny it would probably fail.

    It will likely pass only if debate is censored. With legislation looming, the opposition must decide its position soon. If the Albanese government bluffs Peter Dutton’s opposition into the coward’s castle of conscience vote, that is, not taking a formal position, Australia will not get a debate.

    The way Voice campaigning has unfolded is alarming in several respects. First is the incoherence of the Yes case and its almost universal refusal to acknowledge that any argument against it is legitimate.”
  • James Allen – Principled Peter, not the Peter PrincipleThe Spectator, Feb 7 2023
    “…it certainly will be justiciable and in my view every lawyer with a functioning brain, those on the government’s Constitutional Expert Group included, know that’s the case.”
  • Eric Abetz (ed. Peter Kurti and Nyunggai Warren Mundine AO) – Beyond BeliefThe Spectator, Feb 7 2023
    “Governments and the woke elite are falling over themselves with taxpayer and shareholder money to promote the seriously dangerous proposal to force inequality, separatism and disunity into our constitution through the so-called Voice referendum.”
  • Gary Johns – Reframing the Debate in Aboriginal Affairs (The Burden of Culture)Quadrant, Oct 28 2022
    “The way to re-frame the debate in Aboriginal affairs is to make integration the explicit goal. Where Aboriginal identity clashes with integration it must be challenged. Lives depend on it. Aborigines trapped by identity politics need an exit strategy.”

EDIT (March 1, 2023): On Monday, February 20 I attended the “Just Say No” seminar and social presented by the Civilisationists at which we heard from Warren Mundine AO and Emeritus Professor Gabriël Moens AM. The below notes taken by Dr Marion Hercock give us an accurate summary of the proceedings:

Ron Manners AO, Jenny Manners and Warren Mundine AO
A packed house at “Just Say No” hosted by The Civilisationists February 20, 2023

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