With pride we announce our enhanced Mannkal Scholar Program.
As a tribute to all those who have constantly improved out Mannkal scholarship offering,
over the past 28 years, we have been approached by several of Australia’s leading institutes
with offers of, “what can we do to be part of your successful scholarship program?”
This enabled us to establish, what we call, our Enterprise Hub, now operating from our
office at Hayek on Hood, 3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco.
This enhanced joint venture operation, not only brings the unique skills of the various
institutes to the Enterprise Hub but also injects their skills into our ongoing Mannkal Scholar
For the past 28 years Mannkal has been concentrating on economics (that is why we are
called the Mannkal Economic Education Foundation) and the additional dimensions now
added are culture / philosophy / education / constitutional law / industrial and regulatory law
and entrepreneurship and innovation.
The new dimensions are being added as follows:
- The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) brings economics, culture, philosophy, and
education. - The Samuel Griffith Society (SGS) brings us, the Constitution and law.
- The H.R. Nichols Society (HRNS) brings the study of industrial relations and
regulatory law, with an upcoming White Paper focusing on the draconian Unfair
Dismissal Laws. - & with additional input from the Centre for Entrepreneurial Research & Innovation
(CERI) – entrepreneurship and innovation.
Never before has such a comprehensive package of study opportunities been offered to
Western Australian students.
What a difference these new dimensions make; so, we invite applications from students /
citizens, permanent residents only.
Another touch of good news is that our Mannkal Ambassadors have been honing their
mentorship skills and this program will certainly continue to support our scholars.
Learn more at our website – https://www.mannkal.org/

Ron Manners AO