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Ron Manners’ ideas
and adventures
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My recent experience in departing and returning from and to Australia has demonstrated the complete disconnect between the Posing Politicians, on the one hand, and some of our Mindless Bureaucrats on the other.

The topic for discussion at the international conference I attended was “Rising from the Crisis”, where the 300 delegates from 30 different countries had an opportunity to compare the effectiveness of each country’s response to the major crisis facing the world today.

Evidence indicated that governments wielding the ‘big stick – Coronavirus Heavy Penalties’, resulted in a dramatic reduction in their level of civil society.

Those countries, at the other end of the scale, where politicians exhibit humility and make information available for each individual, to ensure they can make the best and most appropriate decisions for themselves, their loved-ones and workforce, inevitably resulted in a more caring society where genuine concern was obvious.

Until I showed them written evidence, no one believed that it is also an offence to fail to comply with the COVID-19 emergency management Directions issued by the WA Government in relation to self-isolation, quarantine, gatherings, activities, access to places and travel.   The maximum penalty if you are dealt with by a court is 12 months imprisonment and a fine of $50,000 – Ref: Legal Aid Western Australia

The disconnect I experienced between the Political and Bureaucratic was severe, and the disrespect that both exhibit towards their own citizens has led me to prepare a detailed ‘blow-by-blow’ submission to our W.A. State Ombudsman in the hope that it causes ‘a few well-deserved waves’.

Both the politicians and the bureaucrats should be reminded, in stentorian tones, that the few legitimate roles of government do not include treating their own citizens as dog’s droppings!  Please excuse the language but the English language is incapable of adequately describing the current situation which has left me with very little respect for those whom we hire to care for us.

Please enjoy the submission to our State Ombudsman.


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  • Thanks Ron, for sharing, and good luck with the ombudsman. Also I hope you will also share some of the evidence from”Rising from the Crisis”. In my experience here in Queensland, with 8 of our family infected but otherwise well enough, all of our governments have done more harm than good in their responses to Covid.
    The real culprits have been fear mongering media news organisations.
    I could go on but will email you with more of my efforts.

  • Greetings Ron,

    Have just finished reading your notes and submission on your recent adventures with the bureaucracy.

    From my family’s experiences with a return visit to Australia by my daughter, her husband and children from their residence in Singapore and our own attempts to visit them when they finally got to Canberra, none of your comments surprise me.

    Your experiences certainly demonstrate how inept the processes are as ably demonstrated by the Novak farce.

    I’m not holding my breath to hear the rules from 5 February.

  • Amazing to hear a voice of reason in what’s become an echo chamber of paternalistic “safetyism” speak! Thanks for speaking up Mr Manners. I just hope that Australia decides to follow in the footsteps of mother England and toss the intrusive restrictions!

  • Almost scared to voice my view but clearly we are being over controlled by all the legislation. Eventually we’ll be living with the virus, either by accident or design. It has become much less virulent and far more catching than the initial virus. History would tell you that this was always going to be the case. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have taken care not to spread it to vulnerable people but the fear of crippling restrictions was far worse ever than my fear of catching the virus!

  • Love the way you keep challenging the conventional wisdom Ron. So important to have all views heard and to keep the conversation respectful and alive!

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